

Sustainable Development Commissioner

In a report submitted each year to the National Assembly, the Sustainable Development Commissioner makes comments and recommendations concerning the application of the Sustainable Development Act. The Commissioner also addresses any topic stemming from the sustainable development audit or survey work, and comments on the principles, procedures or other methods used by the government entities concerned.

6 results

Financial and Value-for-Money audits & other publications

In a report submitted to the National Assembly, the Auditor General points out the topics stemming for the Auditor’s work which deserve to be brought to the attention of parliamentarians and the public. The report is in the form of volumes. Each volume contains the main findings, the conclusions and the recommendations concerning the Auditor General’s work.

14 results

Report on the Pre-election Report

Every four years, the Auditor General publishes a report in which the Auditor gives an opinion on the plausibility of the assumptions and forecasts included in the pre-election report on the state of Québec’s public finances prepared by the Minister of Finance prior to each general election.

1 result